This Deputy Sheriff made his threats in front of a group of people in public, threatening a Motorcycle Rights Activist for his efforts.Read More
Tags :Confederation of Clubs
Police told this man that it is illegal to own a gun in New York as a member of a motorcycle club...Read More
Motorcycle club culture is rooted in rebellion. Many clubs were founded by individuals returning from war to a general society that had rejected them.Read More
The Waco incident has afforded a new opportunity for law enforcement to vilify an entire class of people based on the actions of the few.Read More
"There were unmarked vehicles. LE in body armor. And a telescoping device that we took pics of..."Read More
“I heard one pistol shot. All the rest of the shots I heard were assault rifles,”..."Soon as [the fight started] the Waco police jumped out of their vehicles and started shooting into the crowd"Read More
The National Motorcycle Profiling Survey that began October 1st is beginning to show some strong early trends confirming that motorcycle profiling is a prevalent and widespread problem. Read More
The truth about outlaw motorcycle clubs. Not the version you see on TV. It's not Sons of Absurdity or Gangland. It's not rape, pillage, and organized crime. But it's not the church choir or the Read More